Sexual assault is an act of sexual and intentionally touching a person without their consent or using force to physically persuade against their will to engage in a sexual activity. A form of brutally forcing someone for a sexual activity, which can include attempted rape, Penetration of the victim’s body (or rape), child abuse, groping, and forced sexual torture to a person.
It covers a wide variety of unwanted sexual acts and behavior in which controls and assert the power to another person. Being a victim of sexual assault, you’ll experience different emotions, fear, anxiety, isolation, and more. It could be a terrifying experience for most of the victims. For a victim of sexual assault, justice for this traumatizing experience is very important.
For sexual assault victims, it’s very crucial to know your legal rights. Know how you’ll get justice from the laws. Knowing the basics can be a good ground, but researching more about the different laws associated with sexual assault will be a great help for the victims. Not only because the victims can use the laws, but how it’ll be able to protect the victim from penetrators or offenders. However, keep in mind that the laws related to this crime vary from state to state.
For example;
In California, it is charged as rape if it’s a sexual assault that leads to unwanted and forced sexual intercourse. While Sexual assault in Florida covers indecent acts and rape. It is always charged as a felony, regardless of how severe the crime is. 30 years of Life imprisonment bestowed upon conviction if the victim is under the age of 12 years old. Doing the right research and seeking help from professionals would be very helpful for you.
Sexual assault victims don’t report right away after the event happened, they tend to keep it to themselves and be silenced about it until the pain is unbearable enough to ask for help. Many research found out that there’s a huge possibility it will be prosecuted; the sooner the report is. The sooner the survivor reports the incident, the more credible medical forensic evidence can be acquired right away, and the victim’s story will be most likely valid for the juror, prosecutors, and law enforcement.
The longer the report is, the most likely to have the chance for it to be prosecuted. As wounds heal, our body changes, stories became less valid as time passes by. So for the victim to get justice, reporting the incident as soon as possible will have a greater percentage of getting it.
Most victims of this crime end up experiencing a great deal of depression, anxiety, mental, and emotional health problems. As important as getting justice, asking for medical help is also paramount. If the crime will be brought upon a jury trial, one must be mentally and emotionally stable for it to win the case. As the survivor itself must play an important role in the investigation and prosecution process.
It’s already difficult to be a sexual assault victim, but if one must get the justice they should be prepared to undergo the legal rights process. So make sure, that they’re asking for medical help or counseling.
The victim’s voice has been the main source of understanding of justice for them. As many of them wished to be heard and express the trauma they have suffered and for it to be acknowledged. Research believe a more in-depth approach to the survivor’s voice or story serves as an essential part of meaningful and respective conversation between the justice officials and victims, and also greatly influenced when it comes to making decision.

As they are the sole witness to the crime, using their voice to get justice is one of the things they can do for themselves. Remember, the stronger your voice is, the stronger you’ll get justice. If the victim will choose silence, they wouldn’t get the justice they want. The research found out that most sexual assault case that ends up being prosecuted, 69% of it are using the victim’s voice in the court and being brave to share the traumatizing indecent sexual acts to them.